SEA & SAIL | Sunset Shared - Sea Dream

Sunset excursion (Shared):

Red and White Beach , “Mesa pigadia area”: First we will go to the red beach and then we will go to the white beach ,those two stops are only for taking pictures.
We will stop for five minutes to take some photos and then we will continue to the third destination which is the 1st stop for swimming , there we will stay for 20 minutes.
Black Mountain, lighthouse, hot springs:  We will pass from the Black Mountain and also the lighthouse, after that we will enter the heart of Santorini and this is the famous Caldera.
We will go to the Hot Springs which is the 2nd stop for swim for again for 20 minutes , after that we will go in sheltered place where are you will have another opportunity for swimming , and we will get some time to prepare your food.
Meal on board, sailing,: After the springs and when we done with the meal on board we will open the sails (if the weather allow it) and we will go to the South-West part of Santorini where we can enjoy the amazing sunset on board.